File. Distribution of peace literature at Aldershot Tattoo and wrongful arrests

Reference No:
U DCL/8/7

(04/1937 - 06/1938) Interference by police with peace leaflet distributors from Surrey and North Sussex Federation of Peace Councils (SNSFPC) at Aldershot Tattoo on 19/06/1937. Letters and statements regarding the event sent to the National Council of Civil Liberties (NCCL) to see if a case could be made and legal action taken against military and / or civil police.

Five people detained were:

Mrs Jill Gurney

Mr G. C. Osborn

Miss Whetnall

Miss Pollard

Mr F. W. Gregory

a) Letters to Mr J. Burns (SNSFPC Chairman) and NCCL about 1938 Aldershot Tattoo and if they will distribute peace literature again.

b) Handwritten letters to Mr Ronald Kidd, co-founder of NCCL, from secretary, RE: contacting Mr J. Burns and Miss Whetnall for the 1938 Aldershot Tattoo. Flyer for the event. (June 1938)

c) Letters to Mr Kidd from the detainees explaining they are unable to identify names of the officers who detained them. Letters in response to the five explaining they cannot take any action without identification. They propose returning to the Tattoo in 1938 to attempt to record names of officers who may illegally interfere again. (1938)

d) Letters to solicitors Dennis Gordon and Donald McIntyre requesting advice on how to proceed with the case. Request to publish an article in The Kingston Worker's Monthly about their activities with Mr. Gordon.

e) Letters between Mrs Stocks (SNSFPC Secretary) and Ronald Kidd. Mrs Stocks explains the situation to Mr Kidd and he asks for information to try and build a case. Included are notes and plans Mrs Stocks created to try and prepare for the Tattoo to ensure no police interference occurred, including hand-drawn map of the grounds. (1937)

f) Handwritten and signed statements from the detainees. Letter from Mr Kidd to confirm statements were received with thanks and regarding one anonymous statement (Miss Whetnall) he had been sent by the Editorial department of the Daily Worker. (1937)

g) Copies of statements from Mrs Stocks, one typed and signed by Mr Gregory, Mr Osborn and Mrs Gurney, and one from Miss Whetnall and a version of her anonymous one.

h) Copy of letter from the Superintendent's Office of Aldershot suggesting it would not be advisable for the SNSFPC to visit Aldershot due to high volumes of people and traffic. (June 1937)

i) Letters between Mr Kidd to Mrs Gurney and Miss Whetnall. Miss Whetnall includes a handwritten statement and a copy of the map Mrs Stocks made. Mr Kidd writes that he believes they have a civil case against the military and civil police. Mrs Gurney confirms that her and Mr Osborn and Mr Gregory would both like to go ahead with civil action against the police.

j) Flyer for the 1937 Aldershot Tattoo.

k) Cutting from newspaper of article quoting Rev. Holland of Ewell Parish who says that the tattoos are a glorification of war. (15/06/1937)

l) Letter from NCCL office in response to Miss Whetnall's inquiry about if it would be illegal to stage a peace demonstration at the upcoming Aldershot Tattoo. (20/04/1937)

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Records of Liberty (formerly The National Council for Civil Liberties)