Lease and Release

Reference No:
U DCM/1/200
26-27 Apr 1811
(i) William Levett of Hull, grocer, (ii) John Wray of Hull, banker, (iii) Elizabeth and Ann Tate of Mitcham, Surrey, spinsters, (iv) Edward Codd of Hull, esquire, (v) J. W. Thomas Swann of York, banker, Christopher Machell of Beverley, banker, and George Knowsley of Cottingham Grange, esquire, (devisees of George Knowsley as U DCM/1/199); (vi) Henry Bateman of Lincolns Inn, gentleman, and (vii) George Liddell of Hull, banker. Regarding Manor of Cottingham Sarum (mentions manor house with garth (1ac.3r.28p.), 5 Stangs parcel of the Mount, watermill called Newland Mill 'or the toft...whereon (it) lately stood', farm with 88ac.1r.5p. at Harland alias Harland Wood, 3 New Closes (24 acres), Salt Ings (18 acres), Great and Little Firths at Newland, North Carr (14ac.2r.), farm with 148 acres called West Bulls, Seivy Pieces and Laudleys alias Loteleys, and Gengs alias Gangs, cottage and garth at Newlands, Cow Croft (15ac.26p.), Salt Ings (16 acres), 6 closes in the Gengs (38 acres) 2 inclosures in the Igglemire (14ac.3r.6p.), a long, narrow bank called Long Bank or Barkery Bank in Endyke Lane (3ac.3r.25p.). In trust to attend the inheritance on a partition of the manor between Elizabeth and Ann Tate, Edward Codd and the devisees of George Knowsley.
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Ringrose Family of Cottingham