Records of the No Conscription Fellowship (Willesden Branch)


Related Material

Related Material:

Correspondence and journal of Robin Page Arnot as a conscientious objector [U DAR/2]

Papers of P Smith relating to pacifism and conscientious objection [U DX76]

Correspondence of Frank and Myfanwy Westrope during Frank's imprisonment as a conscientious objector [U DX135]

Other repositories:

Papers of Catherine Marshall, secretary of NCF, Cumbria Record Office: Carlisle Headquarters [GB 0023]

Records of Manchester and Hythe branches of NCF, Working Class Movement Library

Scrap book of Thomas H Ellison, NCF member, Working Class Movement Library

No-Conscription Fellowship Collected Records, 1914-1920 [Ref CDG-B Great Britain] held by the Swarthmore College Peace Collection in Pennsylvania, USA

Publication Notes:
J Bell, 'We did not fight 1914-1918: experiences of war resisters' (Cobden Sanderson, 1935) - includes 'War resistance: memories of the No Conscription Fellowship by the Treasurer, Edward Grubb', pp.143-153
Martin Ceadel, Pacifism in Britain 1914-1945: the defining of a faith (Clarendon Press, 1980)
C Cook, 'Sources in British political history 1900-1951 vol.I: a guide to the archives of selected organisations and societies' (Macmillan, 1975), pp. 206-207
Thomas C Kennedy, 'The hound of conscience: a history of the No Conscription Fellowship 1914-1919' (University of Arkansas Press, 1981)
Keith Robbins, 'The abolition of war: the 'Peace Movement' in Britain 1914-1919' (University of Wales Press, 1976)