Crown Lease for 21 years to John Uvedale esq.

Reference No:
U DDCA2/29/122
6 Jun 1542
Site of the priory, with its demesne lands (Applegarthe (1ac.), Applegarthe Flatt (4ac.), Snowdon Flatt (7ac.), herbage of a coppice called Tebby Strandes (4ac.), Wynteryng Holme (5ac.), Straunds with a small parcel adjacent called Sandbedde (4ac.), Sir John Carre (2ac.), Methorne Flatt (4ac.), Cote Flatt (8ac.), Cowehowse Flatt (4ac.), Cowe Howse Garthe (1 1/2ac.), herbage of a coppice called Brery Banke (4ac.), Stane Garth (2ac.), Lowe Cote Close alias Applecote Ynge (4ac.), herbage of a coppice called Colte Park (3ac.), Thabbye Coote Yng alias West Coote Close (10ac.), New Close (7ac.), herbage of a coppice under Barkestayre called Sykebanke Close, Yewe Close (5ac.), herbage of a coppice called Dynnes Hagge, Westgawneles (4ac.), herbage of coppices called Gawneles Spryng (3ac.) and Cowes Hagge (6ac.), Kydde Close (2ac), herbage of a coppice called Shepe Banke (3ac.), Oxe Close alias Cowe House Banke (4ac.), East Feld (4ac.) and Mylne Crofte (1ac.)) and lands, tenements, meadows and pastures in Marryke lying among land of Sir Ralph Bulmer and wife Lady Anne, at 8s.12d. rent. Lands called Ullandes in Marryke, at 53s.4d. rent. Hospital of Stanemore, at 53s.4d. rent. Tenement called Bere Park with 2 tenements and a cottage in Carperby with lands belonging to the tenements and cottage, late in tenure of Elizabeth widow of Roger Metcalf, at £5.18s.3d. rent. 5ac. meadow and common of pasture in Downholme, at 11s. rent. Rectory and glebe lands of Marryke, at o8.16s. rent. Ninth sheaf of corn in Aiskew, at 13s.4d. rent. A barn and the tithes of corn and hay in Carken at 33s.4d. rent: Reserving great trees, woods and the advowson of Marrick. Fragment of seal of Court of Augmentations. Endorsed 53 and 150.
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Papers of the Stapleton (incorporating Errington and Tempest) Family, Lords Beaumont, of Carlton Towers