Lease and Release for 5s: Robert Ray of Gower St., co. Mdx. esq. and wife Ann, and Robert Oliver of Darrington, esq. and wife Sarah Shepley (A.R. and S.S.O. being nieces and coheiresses of Henry Barker of Grays Inn, dec'd.) to Margaret Witty, George Atkinson (both of Leven) and Buttle Stephenson (all as U DDCB/4/194)

Reference No:
U DDCB/4/196
26-27 Jun 1811
A fifth part of close called Rainthorp alias Raventhorpe, Great and Little Lamb Garths, Swine Garth, croft on W. side of Church Lane, 6 selions called the Hills, 2 flatts in Deerskip, a land and 4 crofts: Recites U DDCB/4/188 and subsequent deeds
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Burton Family (incorporating the Robinson Family of County Durham) of Cherry Burton