Deed to declare uses of a Fine (as U DDCV/15/156): Randolphus Hewitt of Beverley esq. and wife Catherine to Leuyns Boldero Barnard of South Cave esq.

Reference No:
U DDCV/15/157
20 Jun 1770

Messuage in 2 tenements and gardens in Walkergate and parcel in Wednesday Market near Cross Bridge Well, where a messuage lately stood, with newly erected buildings thereon, and garth on backside. Millfield Close, Newfield Close and 3 garths in Fitling. Farm with Mare Close, Haver Close, Whin Close and 3 closes in Nuthill or Skeckling. All property of Randolphus Hewitt in Humbleton, Preston and Burstwick --: To uses of Randolphus Hewitt.

Witn. Hen. Munby, R. Driffield.

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Papers of Crust Todd and Mills, Solicitors, of Beverley