Copy. Release: (i) John Lyon late of Warrington co. Lancs., now of Mill Bank within Partington co. Chester, esq. (ii) Betty Stanley of Liverpool (widow of Rev. Thomas S. rector of Winwick and one of the two daughters of John Shaw of York dec'd.), Thomas Stanley of Cross Hall, co. Lancaster esq. (eldest son of Rev. T.S. & B.S.), John Stanley esq., Lieutenant of 20th Foot, and James Stanley of the Inner Temple esq. (other sons of Rev. T.S. & B.S.) to (iii) Robert Grimston of Neswick esq.

Reference No:
U DDCV/152/16
18 Mar 1775
For £1500 to (ii): moiety of manor of Bainton (or manors of East and West Bainton) with the Manor House and estates there.
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Papers of Crust Todd and Mills, Solicitors, of Beverley