Mutual conveyances by Bargain and Sale: between Phillipp Constable of Everingham, esq. and Thomas Trigott of South Kirkbye, gent. and wife Anne

Reference No:
U DDEV/31/77
23-25 Sep 1592
a) P.C. conveys to T. & A.T.: 4ac. in Mawkyn Lande, 16ac. in Parson Swarthe, a garth and 3 Payretree Closes, close called Nine Acres, 1ac. in close called Robertes More, 1ac. in Middlefeilde in Newland, 3ac. in Viccar Brigg Close and 1 1/2ac. in Westwodd in Langrigg, close called Higden Lande in Drax, 4ac. 1r. in Newclose in Langrigg, Pulleyn Close, 3r. in the Hailes, 1ac. in Jackcroft, Barne Garth, 1 1/2ac. meadow, 1ac. in the Oxpasture in Russholme, 7 1/2ac. in Langrigg, 4ac. in Ringe Hill in Russholme, 6ac. in Westwodd and close called the Westfeildes, all in Drax, Newlande, Langrigg, Russholme and Armyn: b) T. & A.T. convey to P.C.: manor of Draxe and all appurtenances except lands in Draxe, Newlande, Carleton, Langrigg, and Rusholme of which T. & A.T. are seized, other than closes called the Marr in Draxe Covenant permitting T.T. to hawk, hunt and fowl throughout the manor. Witn. Ra. Babthorpe, Rob. Dolman, Willm. Fenay, Anto Besson, John Poole, Willm. Adams, Martyn Stephenson, Tho. Walshe, John Tonstall Endorsement of livery of seisin to T.T. (Witn. Ra. Babthorpe, Rob. Dolman, John Saltmarshe, Raphe Babthorpe, jnr., John Pocklington, John Poole, Willm. Addames, Rich. Lawson, Robt. Sedall, Thomas Thaquerey, John Hunte, Rich. Strudder, John Jakes) and to P.C. (Additional witn. Thomas Ward, Richard Russum, Willm. Dowthbye), 25 September 1592
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Papers of the Constable Maxwell Family of Everingham, Caerlaverock and Terregles (including the Haggerston and Sherburne Families)