Agreement between Elizabeth, widow of Sir Thomas de Fulnetby (and John de Fulnetby) and John Poucher

Reference No:
U DDEV/50/6
31 Aug 1372
J.P. to have the reversion of the moieties of the manors of Westrasen and Drax, and the advowson of Drax Priory, on death of Elizabeth; for which he is to pay her 400 marks (i.e. £100 at ensuing feast of St. Matthew, and 25 marks each Easter and Michaelmas thereafter until the full sum is paid). He is also to found a chantry in the church of Westrasen, with a perpetual chantry priest to sing for the souls of Sir T. de F. and Elizabeth; of John, father of J.P., and wife Margery; of J.P. and wife Amy; and of the ancestors and heirs of Elizabeth and J.P. To support which he is to put in mortmain 8 1/2 marks of land and rents, with a messuage in Westrasen called Prestgarth; which is to be done before Christmas 1373. Elizabeth to have the presentment and collation of the chaplain during her life, with reversion to J.P. J.P. to enter into a Bond in Chancery in 1,000 marks to Master Geffray Lescrop, Sir Adam de Lymbergh, canons of Lincoln, Ralph de Thresk, John de Fulnetby and William de Gaskeryk, before ensuing Michaelmas. J.P. to release to J. de F. all lands held by Elizabeth in Puryngton, co. Wilts. Parties mutually bound in 1,000 marks for performance. Given at Westrasen, Tuesday after decollation St. John baptist, 46 Ed. III. 2 seals, illegible. See East Riding Antiquarian Society Transactions Vol. XXII (1919) p.24
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