Copy. Settlement

Reference No:
U DDEV/53/34
24 Aug 1705
i) Sir Philip Constable of Everingham and his son and heir Marmaduke to ii) Nevile Ridley of par. St. Anne, Soho and William Lee of Clement's Inne, co. Mdx. gents iii) Hon. Thomas Radclyffe of Dilston, co. Northumberland, esq. and Robert Webber of par. St. Giles in the Fielde, co. Mdx. gent iv) William Haggerston of Haggerston, co. Northumberland, esq. and wife Anne (only daughter of Sir P.C) v) Charles Orme of Grays Inne, co. Mdx. and John Ellis of par. St. Giles in the Fields, gents: manors of West Raysen and Middle Raysen (Tupholme Manor, Neville Fee and Pagnells Fee) with property in those places and in Toft Newton, Wadingham and Lissingley all co. Lincoln. Manors of Everingham, Whalsall alias Whalsey, Arras, Thorpe in the Street and Soake Drax with property in those places and in Holme in Spalding Moore, Weighton, Nunburne Holme, Newland, Arminhale, Lanehouses, Searth, Langracke alias Langrick, Rusholme, Camlesforth. Site of Drax Priory. Messuage in Ugglethorpe neare Monkbarre in York. all co. York: To uses of M.C. subject to annuity of £600 out of property in co. York payable to Sir P.C. and to raising £2,000 to pay debts of Sir P.C
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Papers of the Constable Maxwell Family of Everingham, Caerlaverock and Terregles (including the Haggerston and Sherburne Families)