Letter: Andrew Marvell to Sir Henry Thompson of Escrick

Reference No:
U DDFA/39/29
25 Apr 1677
'Sir. Although we that stayd out the Parliaments rising are something insolent over you that departed yet in hopes that you are not incorrigible for the future and that you are penitent for what is past I can graciously condescend to give you a Letter and tell you that the Monsieurs are come over and gone to Newmarket. The Duke of Bouillon, the Duke of Crequy, the Archbishop of Rheims, first Duc and Pair of France being being son to Tellier and brother to Louvoy : the Prince of Monaco, the Count of Soissons, and Monsieur Berillon a Counsellor of Parliament the best head among them and who hath been much imploy'd in foraine negotiations. Many person beside of quality. What their Message it is methinks not uneasy to guesse though difficult to know. The Duke of Ormond is certainly to goe L. Lieutenand of Ireland and there is already a revocatory letter sent to the Earle of Essex; although the Treasurer indevor'd the Duke of Munmouth. And 'tis said that D. Lauderdale is going for Scotland. So that the three Kingdomes are like to be in good hands. The L. Wharton petitiond the Lords Sp. & Temp. the last day not acknowledging a fault but their displeasure & alleging affairs and indisposition: was by them referrd to the King. He hath given him liberty till the 21 May. But the other three sent a Petition to the King alone at Newmarket masculine but Civill of which yet no answer. All present discourses agree that the Parlt Sits on this 21 May and that there will speedily be a Proclamation So that you ought your selfe to set your House in order and advise all your Neighbours unlesse you will lose the Thanks of furnishing more mony or incurre the danger of the Irish Catell returning which Bill would be an acceptable Present for the D. of Ormond to carry along with him to his Country. There is a Comet hath appeard these 10 nights and still. The 21 May at 10 in the Morng the sun is Eclypsed. Your humble servt. Andr. Marvell. Apr. 25 1677'
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Papers of the Forbes Adam/Thompson/Lawley (Barons Wenlock) Family of Escrick