Deed to lead to uses of a Fine

Reference No:
U DDFA/5/67
4 Jun 1572

(i) John Vaghan of Easterycke esq., and wife Dame Anne Knevet

(ii) Henry Knevet of Charlton co. Wilts., esq.

(iii) Miles Whitney and Roger Vaghan of East Horsleye

Estates in Estcrycke, Wiginton, Scrowton, Thorganby, Cottingwith, Nabourne and Aughton: To use of Dame Anne for life; then to H.K. and wife Elizabeth, Thomas Knevet 'one other of the sons of' Dame A., Francis Vaughan son and heir of J.V. by Dame A., Thomas Keylwaye son and heir of Frauncis Kylnay of Rokeburne co. Southants., esq., and Sir Henry Weston of Sutton co. Surrey successively in tail male; and then to heirs of H.K. Witn. Matt. Arundell, John Danvers, Raffe Bourchier, Wyllm. Dabrygecourtt, James Gaymar, Cotton ....rane.

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