Surrenders and Admissions

Reference No:
U DDGE/3/1

(a) John Johnson to Richard Ross of South Burton alias Bishop Burton: Callis Hall, little close and 2 oxgangs (Johnson's Oxgang and Broken Oxgang. Locations specified). 8 October 1730 (or 4 May 1731)

(b) William Elliott on death of his father Thomas E.: messuage, 2 barns, stable, orchard and close. 5 October 1732

(c) Timothy Jefferson of Beverley yeoman to Timothy Jefferson of Bishop Burton husbandman: 2 oxgangs. 8 May 1767

(d) Timothy Jefferson to William Bethell: 2 oxgangs. 10 November 1768

(e) Richard Ross to William Bethell: 2 oxgangs as U DDGE/3/1(a). 10 November 1768

(f) John Sanderson of Beverley yeoman to William Bethell: messuage, garth, orchard and little allotment. 11 May 1769

(g) Christopher Nicholls and wife Emma to E.R.B. Hall Watt, lord of the manor: 2 cottages in Pudden Gate, barn and shop. 2 February 1889

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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Bishop Burton Estates of the Gee and Hall-Watt Families