Marriage Settlement: William Greame jnr. of Sewerby yeoman to Robert Greame & Christopher Johnson of Bridlington yeomen: prior to marriage of W.G. and Margrett Greame daughter of William G. senr. of Sewerby yeoman

Reference No:
U DDLG/130/418
14 Dec 1674
Cottage, yard, grassgarth, close on S. side of the cottage (Firth Lane N.), close called Hallgarth Lease lately divided into 2 closes, and 2 oxgangs in Sewerby and Marton. Tenement, adjoining close and 3 closes of meadow called Low Milfeild, Fartill Close & Granam Slacks (now in 4 closes. 63ac.) in Etherdwick: Witn. Eleazer Newton, Jo. & Robt. Millner, Jo. Bilton, Willam Greame senr., Anne Vickerman, Wm. Warcup, Mary Julian.
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Papers of the Lloyd-Greame Family of Sewerby