Agreement between Sir John de Sywardby son of Sir Thomas de Sywardby and John de Pykeryng, Sir William Lyttelswete chaplain, Robert de Mapelton & John de Amyas exors. of Sir William de Playce. Made before Sir William de Aton, sheriff of Yorkshire, Robert de Bolton, William de Aton, son of the said sheriff, John Codelyng chaplain, Richard Bernard, John de Cotom, William Wooderawe, John Brent & others

Reference No:
U DDLG/130/64
4 Feb 1370
Exors. are bount to Sir John to deliver up to him his manor of Sywardby, and to find seed for the arable lands of the said manor from Mich. 43 Ed.III (1369) to Mich. following as the same were sown when they were in the hands of Sir William de Playce, with wheat, barley & peas. They also grant to him a moiety of the marriage of the daughter of Walter de Bukton, which belonged to Sir William de Playce. Exors. bound to find reasonable livery during the above period for the men on the manor. They also grant him the farms of Sywardby, Ruddestane, Brigham & Fowerthorpe (Fowthorpe) for the ensuing terms of Martinmas and Whit., he paying rents to all men to whom rents will be due at those terms in the manor of Sywardby; also 2 wagons ('charettes') and 3 ploughs ('careux') and their gear in the manor, with the beasts ('avers') belonging to them. Sir John grants to the exors. that he will not disturb them or their assigns in making their profits of the manor; that he will quitclaim all actions against John Chamberlayn of Neuton for anything done by him while he was the servant of the exors. in the manor; that he will not take any corn, sheaves, horses or beasts out of the manor by which the exors. might be damaged, but only peat, straw & hay for the upkeep of the said beasts; that he will execute a general release to the exors. of all actions in respect of the time during which the lands & tenements of Sir Thomas, father of Sir John, were in the hands of Sir William Playce and for a year after the death of Sir W.P.: Given at York. Small seal, a monogram.
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