Feoffment: Ralph Raysing to John Carleill, both as U DDLG/30/94

Reference No:
U DDLG/30/95
11 Apr 1566
Manor of Sewerdbie alias Sowerbie: Power of attorney to William Stricklande esq. & Thomas Waferer gent. to deliver seisin. Witn. as U DDLG/30/94. Endorsement of livery of seisin and attornment of Robert Agars, William Bullocke, John Greneshawe, Richard Darley, Will. Stowpes, Ralph & Michael Laverocke, Agnes Crosier, Ann Morwen. Witn. Will. Strickland, Willm. Raysing, Tho. Waferer, Edward Styring, John Watson, Thomas Clercke, Stephen Leckenbie, Thomas Warcuppe, Bartillmew Gibson, Rayffe Farthing, Rychard Bukey, Robart Crosier, George Viccarman, John Lowson, Edward Railton, John Ullyett, Roberte Leymynwaye, Nicholas Carter, Anthony Bullocke, John Clercke, Tho. Bastiman, 19 April 1566
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Papers of the Lloyd-Greame Family of Sewerby