Copy. Mortgage by Lease and Release for £10,000: William Tuffnell Jolliff of Nun-Monkton to Edwin Lascelles of Gowthorpe esqs.

Reference No:
U DDSY/31/4
16-17 Mar 1768
Manor of Huggate with 37 oxgangs, pasturage for 1270 sheep in the fallows, 111 sheep in the large tract of ground called the Tongue, 35 horsegates, 24 2/3 beastgates, and 53 calfgates, in the large tract of ground called the Ox Pasture and 69 cowgates in the Cow Pasture; messuage and garth; messuage, garth, parcel called the Goose Croft and 8 1/2 oxgangs; messuage, garth, 7 oxgangs, cottage, garth and 1/2 ac.; 361/2 oxgangs in the North and South Fields and 9 messuages; parcel called Shoulder of Mutton, all in Huggate. (Tenants specified): Witn. Thos. Martin, John Kay
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Papers of the Sykes family of Sledmere