Grant for £66. 13s. 4d.: Charles I to Jane Younge widow and Mary, Lady Younge both of York (mother and grandmother of the ward)

Reference No:
U DDSY/39/5
3 Dec 1628
Wardship and marriage of Thomas Younge son and heir of Thomas Y. esq. dec'd. Attached is an Extant and Valor of estates of Thomas Younge esq. (dec'd. 30 May 1628. His son and heir Thomas then being 4 months 6 days): manor of Kirkburne with 10 messuage, 6 cottages, 200ac. land, 60ac. meadow, 50ac. pasture, 1 windmill and 200ac. bruery in Kirkeburne and Botleburne. Capital messuage called the Treasury House in the Close of St. Peter's, York. Site or mansion house of the manor of Lownde upon the Wolde with 6 messuages, 7 cottages, 7 tofts, 7 gardens, 500ac. land, 40ac. meadow, 20ac. pasture. 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 3 closes and 14 oxgangs in Southburne: Taken from Inquisition Post Mortem of T.Y., 2 October 1628
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