Contemporary Copy. Will of Sir William Hildyarde of Bishopp Wilton.

Reference No:
U DDSY/4/166
1 Oct 1632
To be buried in the choir at Bishop Wilton church. Bequests to daughter Elizabeth. 10s. each month to preacher for preaching a sermon at Wilton church; poor of Wilton; son-in-law William Norton esq. and wife Anne; daughter Marie H.; friend William Belt of York esq. and wife Martha; servants Ellen, Thomas Browne and Christopher Everend; John Singleton servant of W.B. Trustees (William and Alexander Bernarde, William Cade, William Mason, John Beilbie, John Hodgeson, William Mickelfeilde, Francis Oliver, Richarde Sanderson, Richarde Turner).: manor house or capital messuage 'wherein I now dwell', lands called Lakin Parke, Halgarthe, the Halffeilde, the Halcliffe, the Flatwoode Leazes, the Lodge Garth, the Low Park, the High Park, the Cow Closse, the Yowgange; wood called Wilton Woode, all in Wilt on. Property and lands in the city of York and elsewhere in co. York. Personalty: Witn. Wm. Best, Clem. Reede, Edwarde Blockley, Eswold Bosse, John Singleton
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