Deed of Partition

Reference No:
U DDSY/4/172
17 Jan 1648

(i) Margery Widdell widow

(ii) Leonard Widdell sen. gent., both of Earswicke to

(iii) William Scott of York merchant

W.S. to have the site of manor house, or capital messuage in Huntingdom and closes called Kilnegarth, Littlehorsegarth (with the double hedgerow on the S. side thereof, and the lanes from the said site by the W. hedge of the Great Horse Garth to Jedwell), Lathe Close, Love Close, Church Close, Barnard Close alias Haverclose, and 2 Lazenby Closes. L.W. to have the Hartwicke Moore, the Lowe Garthes, 2 Milne Closes, and the Brice Ings. M.W. to have the Jedwell, the Powches, the Great Horse Garth and the High Closes, all in Huntington: Witn. Charles Mitford, Tho. Clarke, Marmaduke Clarke, Margaret Weddall, Thomas Lasenby, James Kirkbie, Richard Waite

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