Gift: Rogert Brighrychfeld squire ('douncellus') to Thomas Whyte of Beverley draper

Reference No:
U DDSY/47/6
24 Aug 1439
Messuage and croft (sometime of John de Porter of Molscrofte. Messuages sometime of Robert Gerthom E. and sometime of John Smyth W. As DDSY/47/5?) and 1 oxgang; and toft and croft (sometime of Robert Gerthom and his son John. In length from the E. end of Northgate S. to the road leading towards the stone cross ('versus crucem lapideam') N.; and in breadth from the high street of Molscrofte E. to land sometime of the said John Porter W.) all in Molscrofte near Beverley, and which R.B. had of the gift of John Mowthorp sometime of Beverley mercer and Agnes Butterwyk of the same: Witn. William Cokerell, Robert Ledys, John Cave, Richard Weton, John Kyrkeby of Molscrofte; William Mayleard, John Couton of Beverley. Given at Molscrofte. Seal, Virgin and Child
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Papers of the Sykes family of Sledmere