Deed to create a tenant to the Precipe

Reference No:
U DDWB/24/32
24 Apr 1765
i) Sir Griffith Boynton of Burton Agnes and wife Dame Charlotte ii) John White of Tixford, co. Notts. esq and his sister Mary, spinster iii) Taylor White of Lincoln's Inn, esq iv) Francis Plumptree of the Middle Temple, gent : further to marriage of Sir G. & Dame C.B.: manor of and mansion house of Burton Agnes with names closes, manors of Rousby, Barmston, Haystrop with messuages and all property of Sir G.B. in those places and in Thurnholme, Winton, Little Kelk, Greene, East and West Skealing. Advowson of Barmston, and Easington: To lend to a Common Recovery to the uses of the marriage
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Wickham-Boynton Family (incorporating Griffith) of Burton Agnes