Will of John de Thornholm

Reference No:
U DDWB/25/1
20 Jun 1383
20s. to Meaux Abbey for unpaid tithes. 20s. to Hull Charterhouse for the same reason. His lands in Louthorp, Foston, Brigham and Driffield to William Spenser, Robert de Bukton, parson of Louthorp, Richard Broun, chaplain and William Stabeler of Skiren to find a chaplain to celebrate for 6 years in the chapel of Wandesford for his soul; his wife Margaret to have the lands thereafter (providing she remain unmarried) until his son John reaches full age. Should she remarry during that period, the feoffees (as above) to have the lands in trust for John until he reaches full age. John to have goods of £20 value at full age. A grey foal to William Spenser. 5 marks to Alice daughter of Simon R[ ] of Nafferton and her daughters Joan and Agnes. Residue to wife Margaret. Should son John die without heirs of his body, the reversion of a toft in Wandesford (held by Stephen Ranald and his wife for their lives) to lie to the chapel of Wandesford or the church of Louthorp (or Watton Abbey) or to help keep a chapelain to celebrate for the souls of J. de T. his wife and ancestors. Memorandum of debts of J. de T. (i.e.) 6s. 8d. to John Cawthorn, of York armourer; 6s. to Sharow the tailor of York. 28s. to John Gibon of Wandesford. 6s. 8d. to Richard de Harpam of Frothingham
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