Zoe Young Research File: Interviews

Reference No:
U DGEF/14/22

File contains the following 8 subfiles:

PART 1: Notes re interviews with Government/Council (anonymised); Notes re interviews with CBD Secretariat (anonymised); Notes re interviews with NGOs (anonymised); Notes re interviews with GEF Secretariat (anonymised); Notes re interviews with UNDP (anonymised); Notes re interviews with World Bank (anonymised).

PART 2: File of papers re designing questionnaire, interview techniques, list of interviewees, contact details etc; File of correspondence re returned questionnaires or refusal to complete questionnaires.

PART 3: File of notes re interviews with CBD members (Sam Johnston CBD secretariat Financial Resources and Institutions Officer, 30 Oct 1997, Calestous Juma CBD Secretariat and Desmond Mahon, 30 Oct 1997, Thomas Yongo CBD Secretariat Lawyer, 28-29 Oct 1997, Xiang Y, 28 Oct 1997).

PART 4: File of notes re interviews with NGOs (Grace Akumu Climate Network Africa, n.d., Randy Curtis The Nature Conservancy, n.d., Liliana Hisas Fundacion Ecologica Universal, 6 Nov 1997, Walt Reed WRI, 14 Nov 1997, Rohit Burman and Achim Steiner IUCN-US, 10 Oct 1997, Stas Burgiel Biodiversity Action Network (Bionet), 11 Nov 1997, Korinna Horta EDF, 13 Nov 1997).

PART 5: File of notes re interviews with Council/Government (Ad Koekkoek Dutch Council member, 6 Nov 1997, Pam Pearson US State Department, 13 Nov 1997, Truman Semans US Treasury, 21 Nov 1997, Pirous Hosseini (Jabbari) Iranian Council member, 6 Nov 1997, Asda Jayanama Thai Council member, 5 Nov 1997, Rudolph D'Alessandro US National Parks Service, n.d., Yaroslav Movchan Council member for Ukraine and Poland, 5 Nov 1997, Emil Ferjancic Slovenia focal point, 17 Oct no year).

PART 6: File of notes re interviews with World Bank (Charles Feinstein Climate Change Technical Advisor, 10 Nov no year, Sam Fankhauser World Bank Young Professional, 12 Nov 1997, David Gisselquist, 11-13 Nov 1997, Andrew Rogerson WB London, 24 Sep 1997, Lars Vidaeus Chief of WB Environment Coordination Unit, 12 Nov 1997, Robin Broadfield WB-GEF Africa Regional Coordinator,n.d., David Freestone Chief of Environmental Law WB, 12 Nov 1997, Dana Younger IFC GEF Coordination Chief, 14 Nov 1997, Kristin Elliot World Bank Global Environment Coordination Devision Regional GEF Coordinator, 10 Nov 1997, Kathy Mikitin World Bank/GEF, n.d.).

PART 7: File of notes re interviews with UNDP (Mahenau Agha UNDP/GEF Information Officer, 16 Oct 1997, Inger Anderson UNDP-GEF task manager for North Africa and Middle East, 14 Oct 1997, Peter Hazelwood UNDP SGP Coordinator, 15 Oct 1997, Nileema Noble ex-UNDP project manager, 21 Oct 1997, various persons with observations on UNDP-GEF, John O'Brien UNDP Climate Change Consultant, 14 Oct 1997, Martin Krause UNDP M&E Coordinator, 17 Oct 1997, Vesa Rutanen UNDP Climate Change Technical Advisor 16 Oct 1997, Anita Nirodi UNDP Capacity 21 Co-ordinator, 17 Oct 1997).

PART 8: File of notes re interviews with various (Mikka Pyhala, 20 Jul 1998, Norman Clarke, 15 Aug 1998).

Archive Item
1 file (8 subfiles)
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This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2074. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact archives@hull.ac.uk.
Hull University Archives
Records of the Global Environment Facility Research Project