Zoe Young Research File: Views of GEF

Reference No:
U DGEF/14/24
Contains: Notes re interview with Peter Schei Chair of CBD SBSTA and ex-officio member of STAP, 7 Oct 1997; Notes re 'GEF and ENEP'; Notes re 'Views from the UNDP on the GEF'; Notes re 'The GEF secretariat's View of Itself'; Printout of email sent from Zoe Young to S.A. Boehmer-Christiansen RE 'The GEF secretariat's View of Itself', 17 Jun 1998; Transcript of conversation between Zoe Young and Alexandra Bezeredi (recorded accidentally in New Delhi, n.d.; Questions for informants to the UK-based research project (prepared by Zoe Young) - 'The Functioning of the Global Environment Facility: A Political Analysis', Jan 1997.
Archive Item
1 file
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This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2073. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact archives@hull.ac.uk.
Hull University Archives
Records of the Global Environment Facility Research Project