Writing & Lecture File. Reviews by John Saville

Reference No:
U DJS/3/35

Contains material relating to book and paper reviews written by Saville.

Material comprises:

1. Ben Pimlot, Labour and the Left in the 1930s (offprint)

2. Collection of essays by Anderson (manuscript draft)

3. John Stevenson and Chris Cook, The Slump: Society and Politics during the Depression (offprint)

4. S.A. Weaver, John Fielden and the Politics of Popular Radicalism 1832-1847 (typescript draft)

5. Kevin Morgan, Against Facism and War. Ruptures and Continuities in British Communist Politics 1935-1941 (typescript draft)

6. Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism and Perry Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State (press cutting)

7. A.P. Thompson, The Habit of Authority: Paternalism in British History (press cutting)

8. David C. Marsh, The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales, 1871-1951 (typescript draft)

9. Christabel S. Orwin and Edith H. Whetham, History of British Agriculture 1846-1914 (typescript draft)

10. H.A. Clegg, Alan Fox and A.F. Thompson, A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889 Volume 1: 1889-1910 (press cutting)

11. Henry Collins and Chimen Abramsky, Karl Marx and the British Labour Movement (press cutting)

12. R.P. Arnot, William Morris, the Man and the Myth (press cutting)

13. Nigel Harris and John Palmer, World Crisis: Essays in Revolutionary Socialism, Krishan Kumar, Revolution: The Theory and Practice of a European Idea, John Gerassi, Towards Revolution (press cutting)

14. Harold Perkin, The Age of the Railway, Denis Judd, The Victorian Empire, Malcolm I. Thomis, The Luddites: Machine Breaking in Regency England (press cutting)

15. J.F.C. Harrison, The Early Victorians, Geoffrey Best, Mid-Victorian Britain, Noreen Branson and Margot Heinemann, Britain in the Nineteen Thirties (press cutting)

16. W.R. Garside, The Durham Miners 1919-1960 (offprint)

17. Sir Charles Petrie, Stout Tory History (press cutting)

18. E. Eldon Barry, Nationalisation in British Politics. The Historical Background (typescript draft)

19. H.A. Clegg, Alan Fox, A.F. Thompson, A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889 Volume I 1889-1910 (typescript draft)

20. Asa Briggs, Fabian Essays (typescript draft)

21. J.E. Williams, The Derbyshire Miners: A Study in Industrial and Social History (typescript draft)

22. Michael Drake (ed.), Applied Historical Studies: An Introductory Reader (typescript draft)

23. R.G. Garnett, Co-operation and the Owenite Socialist Communities in Britain 1825-45 (typescript draft)

24. George W. Hilton, The Truck System including a History of the British Truck Acts 1465-1960 (offprint)

25. C.S. Orwin and E.H. Whetham, History of British Agriculture 1846-1914 (offprint)

26. Sir Francis Hill, Georgian Lincoln, M.A. Havinden, Estate Villages, K.J. Allison, M.W. Beresford and J.G. Hurst, The Deserted Villages of Northamptonshire (typescript draft)

27. Grace Carlton, Friedrich Engels: The Shadow Prophet (typescript draft)

28. Dr Eric Kerridge, The Agricultural Revolution, C.S. and C.S. Orwin, The Open Fields, W.E. Tate, The English Village Community and the Enclosure Movements, Sir William Gavin, Ninety Years of Family Farming, W.G. Hoskin, Fieldwork in Local History, M.D. Anderson, History by the Highway (typescript draft)

29. Joan Thirsk (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales Vol.IV 1500-1640, T.W. Freeman, H.B. Rodgers and R.H. Kinvig (eds.), Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man, Robert Wood, West Hartlepool, Elizabeth Beazley, Madocks and the Wonder of Wales, Robert Trow-Smith, Life From the Land: The Growth of Farming in Western Europe (typescript draft)

30. Aldcroft (ed.), The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition 1875-1914 (offprint)

31. Neville Kirk, Labour and Society in Britain and the USA Vol.1., Capitalism, Custom and Protest 1780-1850 and Vol.2 Challenge and Accommodation 1850-1939 (typescript draft)

32. Stephen Brooke, Labour's War. The Labour Party during the Second World War (typescript draft)

33. Maurice Isserman, Which Side Were You On?: The American Communist Party During the Second World War (offprint)

34. Noreen Branson and Bill Moore, Our History: Labour-Communist Relations. Part II 1935-1945, Bill Moore, Labour-Communist Relations. Part III (press cutting)

35. Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland (eds.), E.P. Thompson: Critical Perspectives (proof copy)

36. Denis Macshane, International Labour and the Origins of the Cold War (press cutting)

37. Denis Macshane, International Labour and the Origins of the Cold War (typescript draft)

38. Malcolm MacEwen, The Greening of a Red (typescript draft)

39. Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland (eds.), E.P. Thompson: Critical Perspectives (typescript draft)

40. Jack Reynolds, The Great Paternalist. Titus Salt and the Growth of Nineteenth-Century Bradford (typescript draft)

41. Maurice Isserman, Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party During the Second World War (typescript draft)

42. David Howell, British Workers and the Independent Labour Party 1888-1906 (typescript and drafts)

43. Tony Dickson (ed.), Capital and Class in Scotland (typescript draft)

44. Dermot Keogh, The Rise of the Irish Working Class. The Dublin Trade Union Movement and Labour Leadership 1890-1914 (typescript draft)

45. Stephen Koss, The Rise and Fall of the Political Press in Britain.The Nineteenth Century (typescript draft)

46. Stephen Castles, Heather Booth and Tina Wallace, Here for Good. Western Europe's New Ethnic Minorities, Peter Fryer, Staying Power. The History of Black People in Britain (typescript draft)

47. Mike Squires, Saklatvala. A Political Biography (typescript draft)

48. David Weinbrun, Generating Socialism Recollections of Life in the Labour Party (typescript draft)

49. Peter Weiler, British Labour and the Cold War (typescript draft)

50. Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland (eds.), E.P. Thompson, Critical Perspectives (offprint)

51. John Stevenson and Chris Cook, The Slump: Society and Politics during the Depression (offprint)

52. E.P. Thompson, Customs in Common (typescript draft)

53. Noreen Branson and Bill Moore, Our History: Labour-Communist Relations. Part II 1935-1945, Bill Moore, Labour-Communist Relations. Part III (typescript draft)

54. Noreen Branson, History of the Communist Party of Great Britain 1927-1941 (typescript draft)

55. E.J. Hobsbawm, The Age of Empire 1875-1914 (typescript draft)

56. Prof A., The Rise of the Technocrats: A Social History' (typescript draft)

57. Books to be Remembered (typescript drafts)

58. J.J. Sheehan, Germany from German History, 1770-1866 (typescript draft)

59. Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland (ed.), E.P. Thompson, Critical Perspectives (typescript draft)

60. Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution 1789-1848 (press cutting)

61. Nancy Stepan, The Idea if Race in Science: Great Britain 1800-1960 (typescript)

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Hull University Archives
Records of John Saville (1916-2009)