Various letters to Julia Varley

Reference No:

(a) Letter. I.A. Vince, Birmingham Parliamentary Recruiting Committee: meeting to be attended by Mrs. Winston Churchill: 16 December 1914

(b) Letter. Louisa Garrett Anderson: dinner for Dame Adelaide Anderson: (2), 12, 19 October 1921 (see DJV/31)

(c) Letter. Albert, Duke of York: thanks for good wishes for Empire tour; good wishes to her on an operation; thanks for sympathy on death of George V: (3, one being a copy), 5 January 1927; 8 March 1928; 16 February 1936. With Christmas card, 1934

(d) Letter. P.K. Hodgson, Private Secretary to Duke of York: unemployment; an appointment; thanks for sympathy: (3), 5 December 1928; 1, 12 February 1929

(e) Letter. Lady Cynthia Coleville: thanks from Queen Mary for sympathetic letters: (3), 4 February 1929; 27 January 1936; 27 May 1937

(f) Letter. Sir Louis Greig: affectionate letters; Duke of York has signed her menu card, and enjoyed the dinner and her speech; Clarence Hatry 'a keen enemy ... we never had ... any part in his deals'; encouragement before her operation: (4), (1929 - 1948)

(g) Postcard. Mr. & Mrs. Nayler: thanks for talk on radio (a report on which, from 'The Record' of March 1931 is among the press cuttings at DJV/5a below): 16 January 1931

(h) Letter. C.P. Duff (secretary to Prime Minister?): offering Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.): 18 May 1931

(i) Letter. J.G. Paterson, Duke of York's Camp: congratulations on award of Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.), 3 June 1931

(j) Letter. Robert Hyde, Industrial Welfare Society: regrets illness prevents her attending a dinner: 2 December 1932

(k) Letter. Ernest Bevin, General Secretary, Trade & General Workers Union (T. & G.W.U.): appreciation of her work for the Union and Labour movement: (2), 24 September 1934; 31 January 1936

(l) Letter. J. Ramsey MacDonald: greetings: (2), 12 October 1934; 20 March 1935. With Christmas cards, (5), 1929 - 1933

(m) Letter. J. Crump, Area Secretary. Trade & General Workers Union (T. & G.W.U.), Birmingham: on her retirement: 5 May 1936

(n) Letter. Victoria Forester: thanks from Queen Mary for birthday wishes: 27 May 1936

(o) Letter. E.C. (Mieville?): thanks from the King for Christmas card: 24 December 1937

(p) Letter. Lady Margot Dawson: on Julia Varley's resignation from Council of Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women: 5 October 1945

(q) Letter. Sir Alan Lascelles, Private Secretary to the King and Queen: transmitting thanks for Christmas and other greetings; enquiries about J. Varley's health; death of King: (7), 18 October 1944 - 11 February 1952

(r) Letter. Gerald L. Parry, Industrial Welfare Society: news of the Society: 3 July 1947

(s) Letter. H. Vincent Tewson, Trades Union Congress: greetings; news of old colleagues: 13 September 1949

(t) Letter. Gladys Pott: greetings: 23 December (1949)

(u) Letter. Robert R. Hyde, Industrial Welfare Society: greetings: 3 January 1950

(v) Telegrams. Greetings telegrams on Julia Varley's 80th birthday (including Ernest Bevin, Vincent Tewson, [Arthur?] Deakin), 16 March 1951

(w) Letter. Miss P. Bellars, Transport & General Workers Union: asking for reminiscences of Black Country strike of 1913: 26 April 1952

(x) Letter. Rev. J. F. Wedmore: sending a photograph: 15 September 1952

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Records of Julia Varley