(Sir) James Alderson letter



Admin History:

Sir James Alderson was born on 30 December 1794 in Kingston-upon-Hull and was later educated at Pembroke College Cambridge. He graduated in 1822 and became a fellow of Pembroke the following year before receiving his MD from Oxford in 1829 and being admitted to the College of Physicians in 1830. Initially, he practised in London, but upon the death of his father he inherited a large, successful practice in Hull, where he was became physician to the Hull infirmary.

In 1850, he returned to practice in London and in 1851 was appointed senior physician at the new St Mary's Hospital, Paddington. He held this post until his election as President of the Royal College of Physicians in 1867. He kept this position until his retirement from the post in 1870. In 1869 he was knighted and in 1874 was appointed physician extraordinary to the queen. He also had the distinction of delivering the Harveian oration twice, in 1854 and 1867.

He died on 13 September 1882 in London.

This small collection includes one letter and prescription from (Sir) James Alderson. The letter includes a newspaper cutting concerning Alderson's delivery of the Harveian Oration at the Royal College of Physicians in [1854].