Drawings, Engravings and Offprints of Hull, Yorkshire and Notable Individuals (Including by F. S. Smith)



Admin History:
The collection includes 16 pen and ink drawings by F. S. Smith dating from 1888 - 1890, as well as other 19th century engravings and illustrations from books, of various Hull sites such as Holy Trinity church and the plotting room of the White Hart Inn, local almshouses and hospitals, and maps of sites of lost towns on the River Humber. There are two copies of the Hull Courant dated 1747 and 1748 and an 1840 notice of the Hull-Selby Railway. Local songs include 'Another song for the free and independent burgesses of Hull' dated 1802 and 'The good old governor of the poor' sung by workhouse children in 1869. The collection also contains a large number of portraits of national 'worthies' from Edward I, through a few well-known Elizabethan figures, a few parliamentary figures of the 17th century such as Sir Henry Vane, Thomas Fairfax the parliamentary commander of the civil war and then a variety of local figures such as Thomas Perronet Thompson, Christopher Sykes, Arthur and Charles Wilson and local 19th century civic dignatories. Other engravings include those of York Minster, Beverley Minster, Hessle church, Routh church, Owthorne church, Withernsea church, Skipton castle and Barmston manor house.