Letters from Philip Larkin and Stevie Smith to Anthony and Ann Thwaite, with related material


Related Material

Related Material:

Papers of Anthony Thwaite [U DP155]

Correspondence between Philip Larkin and Anthony Thwaite [U DP181]

Papers of Anthony Thwaite relating to his editorship of Larkin at Sixty [U DP188]

Papers of Anthony Thwaite as literary executor of Philip Larkin [U DAT]

Papers of Philip Larkin [U DPL]

Photographs of Philip Larkin [U DLV]

Papers of Florence Margaret Smith (Stevie Smith) [U DP156]

Stevie Smith Papers [U DP209]

Letters from Stevie Smith to Ladislav Horvat [U DP197]

Stevie Smith Collection, printed material [U SSC]

Publication Notes: