Political Posters



Admin History:

Defend the 14+, 1974-1975

In 1974, fourteen people associated with The British Withdrawal from Northern Ireland Campaign were charged with conspiring to contravene the Incitement of Disaffection Act of 1934. The wording of the 1934 Act made the attempt to 'seduce' a member of HM Forces from their duties an offence. The maximum punishment for incitement was two years, but conspiracy to incite carried a life sentence. This charge related to possession of a leaflet entitled "Some Information for Discontented Soldiers". The 14 were: Albert Beale; Wendy Butlin; Phil Cadbury; Bill Hetherington; Juliette Hornsby; John Hyatt; Frank Keeley; Ronnie Lee; Chris Roper; Paul Steed; Bob Thomas; Rick Walker; Mike Wescott; Gwyn Williams. Two of the 14 were also charged under the 1955 Army Act with helping soldiers who were absent without leave. Other individuals were then charged with related offences including distribution of leaflets and supporting the 14. On 10th December, after a 51 day trial, the jury took just 30 minutes to return a unanimous 'not guilty' verdict on all charges. The two individuals who had pleaded guilty to assisting a soldier who was absent without leave were both fined. The case served to highlight issues surrounding the use of conspiracy charges.

Battle of Orgreave, 1984

On the 18 June 1984 a violent confrontation broke out between police and picketers at the British Steel Corporation coking plant in Orgreave, South Yorkshire. The strike was organised by the National Union of Mineworkers, and was a central moment in the 1984-1985 Miners' Strike. Civil rights groups such as Liberty became involved because of the force of violence reported to have been used by police, and several investigations into the incident have been conducted since. A report from the Independent Police Complaints Commission ruled in 2015 that the police had used excessive violence, created a false narrative, and committed perjury during the trials of those picketers who had been arrested during the confrontation.

Contains posters relating to Orgreave and the Defend the 14+ Campaign