Letters to John Ruskin


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Other repositories:

Ruskin Galleries, Bembridge, Isle of Wight

John Rylands Library, Manchester

Cumbria Record Office

British Library

Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

Ruskin Gallery Collection of the Guild of St George, Sheffield

Bodleian Library

Trinity College, Cambridge

Ruskin Library, University of Lancaster

Publication Notes:
Bradley, John Lewis (ed.), The letters of John Ruskin to Lord and Lady Mount-Temple (1964)
Bradley, John Lewis, & Ousby, Ian (eds), The correspondence of John Ruskin and Charles Eliot Norton (1987)
Bradley, John Lewis, Ruskin's letters from Venice 1841-1852 (1978)
Collingwood, William Gersham, The art teaching of John Ruskin (1891)
Collingwood, William Gersham, The life of John Ruskin (1893)
Collingwood, William Gersham (ed.), The poems of John Ruskin (1891)
Cook, Edward T, The life of John Ruskin, 2 vols (1912)
Cook, Edward T & Wedderburn, Alexander (eds), The works of John Ruskin, 39 vols (1903-1912)
Dictionary of National Biography
Evans, Joan & Whitehouse, John Howard (eds), The diaries of John Ruskin (1956)
Fellows, Jay, The failing distance: the autobiographical impulse in John Ruskin (1975)
Fors Clavigera: letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain, 4 vols (1906)
The gulf of years: letters from John Ruskin to Kathleen Olando (1978)
Hewison, Robert, John Ruskin: the argument of the eye (1976)
Hilton, Tim, John Ruskin: the early years, 1819-1859 (1985)
Hunt, J D & Holland, F M (eds), The Ruskin polygon: essays on the imagination of John Ruskin (1982)
James, William (ed.), The Order of Release: the story of John Ruskin, Effie Gray and John Everitt Millais told for the first time in their unpublished letters (1947)
Lutyens, Mary, Effie in Venice (1965)
Lutyens, Mary, Millais and the Ruskins (1967)
Quennell, Peter, John Ruskin: the portrait of a prophet (1949)
Reynard, Keith W (ed.), The ASLIB directory of literary and historical collections in the United Kingdom (1993)
Rosenberg, John D, The darkening glass: a portrait of Ruskin's genius (1961)
Ruskin, John, Praeterita: the autobiography of John Ruskin (1949; written in the mid 1880s)
Selected writings, Penguin (1992)
Selected writings, Everyman's Classic Library (rep. 1995)
Severn, Joseph Arthur Palliser, The professor: memoir of John Ruskin (1967)
Sherburne, James, John Ruskin, on the ambiguities of abundance (1972)
The Ruskin family letters, 2 vols (1973)
Vitjoen, Helen Gill (ed.), The Brantwood diary of John Ruskin (1971)
Wilson, Clive (ed.), My dearest Dora: letters to Dora Livesey, her family and friends 1860-1900
The Winnington letters: John Ruskin's correspondence with Margaret Alexis Bell and the children at Winnington Hall (1969)