History of Kingston upon Hull

17th cent.


Admin History:
Abraham de la Pryme was born at Hatfield near Goole in 1672 and was educated at St John's College, Cambridge, taking his degree in 1694. He was a keen antiquarian and historian and wrote a history of Hatfield upon his return there after Cambridge. In 1698 he was appointed curate of Holy Trinity church in Hull and spent the next three years writing a history of his new town. The resultant History of Kingston upon Hull is the first history of Hull and it contains vivid and very useful information about Hull and the English civil wars and the role played in them by Sir John Hotham. Abraham de la Pryme was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1702 and would most certainly have gone on to be one of the most prolific local historians of his generation had he not died prematurely in 1704.
Includes a manuscript copy of the History of Kingston upon Hull (circa 1688), by Abraham de la Pryme