Quitclaim: Sir Willyam Pennyman of Marske to Sir Jervis Elwayes and Jeremy Elwayes, both of London

Reference No:
U DPE/7/2
25 Jul 1633

That part of the manor of Ormesby lying above the town (in length on the S. and W. side from Lawsons Garthes on the N. and N.W. part to the fields of Marton on the S. and S.W. part; and in breadth from the fields of Marton on the W. and S.W. part of the fields of Normanby on the N. and N.E.) and that part of the manor on the E. and N.E. of the beck or hollow place that goes through the town of Ormesby to the R. Tees (in length from R. Tees N. and N.W. to fields of West Upsall and Marton; and in the breadth from the said beck W. & S. to Normanby E. & N.) with half of the said beck: Recites a Bargain and Sale of the premises by him to them, for £3,000 (22 April 1630). Witn. Jo. Stone, James Metham, Chr. (Wand?).

Endorsement of production to William Rutter in Exchequer suit 'Thomson Clerk v. Pennyman Bart', 23 May 1831

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Papers of the Pennyman Family (incorporating the Addison and Consett Families) of Ormesby