Offprints and photocopies of miscellaneous papers on religion (Note: In most cases the sources are not stated, whether from parts of monographs, collections or journals)

Reference No:
U DPN/44

1) University of London: General Certificate of Education: Religious Studies Syllabus, June 1983/Jan 1984. pp. 519-24

2) Harold Turner, University of Aberdeen: 'The primal religions of the world, and their study'. (In: 'Australian Essays in World Religions', 1977, pp. 27-37

3) VW Turner: 'Aspects of Saora ritual and shamanism: an approach to the data of ritual'. (From a symposium published c.1967, pp. 181-204). (The Saora = Savara are a hill tribe of Orissa, Eastern India)

4) (No Author Given): 'The Prophet and his teachings': Chapter 9: 'The two states and the three times'. (On Zoroastrianism), pp. 229-46

5) Jung Yang Lee: 'Theology of change'. (? New York, 197-). (Excerpt from chapter 1: The question of its methodology). pp. 20-8

6) Harry Parkin: 'Postscript: Chinese religious studies today'. (On the study of Chinese religion in Singapore and Malaysia in the 1980s. From a symposium, pp. 161-74)

7) Martin Lu: 'Was Mencius a true successor to Confucius?'. (Comments on an article of Professor Philip Ho Harvey: 'A new interpretation of Confucius' in: Philosophy, East and West, vol. 30, part 1, Jan 1983, pp. 79-86)

8) Peter della Santina (Peter della): 'The Madhyamaka and Modern Western Philosophy'. (On Buddhist Philosophy). (Kritik, Journal of the Philosophy Society, Singapore University, Oct 1983, pp. 15-22)

9) Ahmad Ibrahim: 'The importance of the Qur'an'. (Al-Islam: Kuala Lumpur, n.d., pp. 1-6)

10) Abdul Wahhab Bukhari, Sayyid: The Holy Qur'an. (Al-Islam: Kuala Lumpur, n.d., pp. 7- 15)

11) Al - Islam: 'Majallah Bulanan, vol. 6, no. 2, Kuala Lumpur, 15 June 1975. (An Islamic journal in Malay; different from nos. 9 and 10)

12) Clive S Kessler: 'A. Back to the Crusades. 2. Malaysia: Islamic revivalism and political disaffection in a divided society'. (South-East Asia Chronicle, vol. 75, 1981 (?), pp. 2-11)

13) P.A.P.E. Kattenberg: 'Another break in the wall: people's participation as a basic need in the liturgical celebration'. (On Roman Catholics liturgical revision, c.1980). 11 ff., reproduced from typescript, A4

14) 'An order for the Mass for India'. (International Review of Missions, no. 258/65, April 1976, pp. 168-76)

15) (No author given): III. Towards an African interpretation of the Bible. pp. 9-23, reproduced from typescript, c.1980

16) John May: 'The religious construction of meaning: Christianity and Buddhism as problem solvers'. (In: Australian Essays in World Religions, pp. 106-15. See U DPN 11)

17) Ary A Crollius, S.J.: 'Inculturation and Incarnation: on speaking of the Christian faith and the cultures of humanity'. (From a symposium, c.1978, pp. 134-40)

18) Piero Rossano: 'The theological problems of the religions'. (Same source as no. 17)

19) Simon Barrington Ward, Bishop of Coventry, 1985-: 'Fearful symmetry'. (On Christian- Muslim relations). (Church Missionary Society News Letter, no. 449, Oct. 1982: Double number, 8 pp.)

20) Simon Barrington Ward, 'African mediator?'. (CMS Newsletter, no. 450, Nov. 1982. 4 pp.)

21) (No author given): 'Inculturation as a condition of evangelization'.(International Review of Mission, n.d., pp. 482-5)

22) David Brady: 'The Book of Relevation and the Qur'an: is there a possible literary relationship?' (n.p., n.d., pp. 216-25) 23) Emerito P Nacpil: 'Communicating the Gospel in missionary situations'. (International Review of Mission, n.d. pp. 292-7)

24) Joseph Hajjar: 'The Bible and Christian witness in Islamic countries'. (International Review of Mission, n.d. pp. 161-73)

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Papers of Rev. Dr Harry Parkin