File. Vehicles Buses/Coaches

Reference No:
U DPO/10/1573
Includes correspondence relating to travel to and from designated sporting events, fitting of seat belts in coaches and minibuses, licensing of vehicles under 8 seats, changes to licensing legislation for minibuses, the Confederation of Passenger Transport concerning crisis control/media representation following road traffic accidents, coach length, use of PSV emergency exits, speed limiters, and minibus safety code of practice ; copies of Department of Transport reports entitled 'Minibus and Coach Seat Belts: Advice to Users & Operators of Minibuses and Coaches Carrying Children' and 'Minibus and Coach Seat Belts: Advice on retro-fitting Seat Belts to Minibuses and Coaches', with related consultation documents; a copy of a Home Office report entitled 'Public Safety Threat - the unlicensed and uninsured use of commercial minibuses' (Nov 1997) with related correspondence; an ACPO Traffic Committee briefing for a meeting with the Confederation of Passenger Transport (19 Dec 1997), and extracts of ACPO Traffic Committee minutes relating to minibus safety code of practice, with a copy of a paper submitted to the ACPO Traffic Committee entitled 'Minibus Safety, Code of Practice - Consultation' (1996).
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Hull University Archives
Records of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)