Copy. Deed to declare uses of a common Recovery. (i) William St. Quintin of Scampston, esq., (ii) Christopher Hargrave, gent. and (ii) Joseph Banks, esq., both of Lincolns Inn

Reference No:
U DRA/1086
21 Jun 1765
Manor of Harpham with 8 messuages, 22 cottages, 1384 ac. 3 r. 34 p. of arable, 57 ac. 2 r. 1 p. of meadow and 748 ac. 3 r. 7 p. of pasture. Advowson of Burton Agnes. Manor of Thornholme with 4 messuages, 7 cottages, 605 ac. 2 r. 38 p. arable, 118 ac. 23 p. meadow and 550 ac. 1 r. 35 p. pasture. Manor of Grantsmoor alias Gransmoor with 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 97 ac. 3 r. 9 p. arable, 268 ac. 30 p. meadow, 545 ac. 5 p. pasture. Manor of Folkton with 7 messuages, 13 cottages, 570 ac. 2 r. 15p. arable, 89 ac. 1 r. 8 p. meadow and 1,009 ac. 2 r. 34.p pasture. Flotmanby Grange with 81 ac. arable, 53 ac. 1 r. 6 p. meadow and 212 ac. 1 r. 30 p. pasture in par. Folkton. Manor of Scampston with Scampston House, 21 messuages, 47 oxgangs and closes called 3 Ledfields, 4 Gateland Closes, 3 Kindales, Seafield, Parkes, 3 Outrams, 2 Kindales closes, Panyerman Street, Bilbey Parkes, 2 Stockdalls, Autrams, Wilburn Close, Linskin Parkes, 2 Leafields, Slater Parkes, Wray Close and the Parkes ; a water corn mill ; Reed Carr and Thackamne. Manor of Wansford with 3 messuages, closes called Henetts Close, Townend Close, Robinsons Close, Porter Close, Bynnington Close, Hill Flatts, Land of the Town, Greengate Flatts, High Dyke Close, Doning Close, Mill Crooke Close, the Hawlings, Cross Flatts, Spittal Fields Closes, Middle Barrs, Lane Head Flatts, Sayne Foyn Close, Wood Flatt, 2 Islands in the West Ings, Bynnington Piece, Panyerman Crook, an Island in Snaik Holme, and Walkers Garth; the Red House and a close; a water corn mill; the White House and a fulling mill in Wansford. Cattleholms or Catholms Closes in Lowthorp. 2 cottages in Nafferton. Manor, capital messuage, rectory, advowson tithes, messuages and lands in Lowthorpe. Manor of Nafferton with messuages and lands. Neithergate Farm with 3 oxgangs and 13 butts ; messuage and close in Wansford. Messuage, close, croft and 1 oxgang in Great Kelk. Headland oxgang in Ruston Pava. Lenox manor in Nafferton. Capital messuage in Ruston. The Inn Leas of Little Kelk (133 ac. ) Brassy Close or Three Cornered Close and 3 parcels, part of North Field and Lady Mill of Lady Mary Ings, in Lowthorpe. Manor of Little Ruston with messuages and lands; 38 oxgangs; closes called the Antient Holme and Stone Pitt Close; moss house or tenement with Dove Coat Garth; parcels called the Holme and Mill Hill with a water corn mill; Davids Close and Morram Close; messuage, 2 orchards, lime kiln and 14 oxgangs; 2 messuages, 5 cottages, Land Close and 14 oxgangs in Little Ruston. Tenants named: To use of William St. Quintin. Witn. Robt. Bowring, Fran. Stephenson
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