Letter from Laura Riddell, Pallaveram, India, to her daughter Laura [in West Kensington, England]

Reference No:
U DRI/145
12-13 Nov 1889
Mr Onvry; Mr Willan; Dr. and Mrs Ord; incorrectdating of letter; feelings for Alec Crombie; guidance from Auntie; proposed trip to Dresden with Auntie; Otto Hegner and Nikita; back and posture; desire for Laura not to go to Berlin with Auntie if Miss Justice is to winter there; disapproval of visit to the Kelso family; attendance at the Academy of Music; Mr Swete’s illness; her husband’s trip to Madras [Chennai]; death of their canary; Reception Ball at Government House for Prince Albert Victor; dinner invitation from Mr Archibald the Senior Chaplain of the Scotch Kirk
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Hull University Archives
Correspondence of the Riddell Family