MB Reckitt Trust (formerly the Christendom Trust)



Admin History:

Maurice Benington Reckitt (1888-1980) was a writer and Christian sociologist who collaborated with GDH Cole to found the National Guilds League. He contributed to AR Orage's 'New Age' and wrote for and edited the 'New English Weekly', but his lasting achievement was as editor of 'Christendom', a quarterly journal of Christian sociology, from 1931 to 1950, and as organiser of the annual summer schools of sociology associated with the Christendom group.

He was involved with many organisations including the Church Socialist League, the League of the Kingdom of God and the British Council of Churches. Reckitt's most important book, 'Faith and society', was published in 1932. The publication in 1968 of For Christ and the People revived interest in Christian social thought and ultimately led to the formation of The Christendom Trust a few years later.

Founded on 31st March 1971 by Maurice Reckitt and Vigo Auguste Demant (1893-1983), the former Anglican clergyman and social commentator serving as Chairman. As a charitable research foundation it sought to encourage research and action surrounding the Christian response to social issues of the day.

The Trust sponsored essay competitions, research projects, conferences, publications and supported a wide range of groups with their activities. It has supported research and teaching fellowships, at the Universities of Cardiff, Lancaster and Sussex - the latter reflecting Dr Asa Briggs', then Vice-Chancellor at Sussex, active encouragement of Reckitt and his work.

In June 2005 the Trust renamed itself to the MB Reckitt Trust.

This account draws heavily upon the historical account of the Trust by Martin Jarrett-Kerr which is available on the Trust's website http://www.mbreckitttrust.org

The material includes minutes, correspondence, publications and other papers relating to the work of the Trust including the research and teaching fellowships, the Trust essay prizes and public lectures