[DE-ACCESSIONED] Papers of Boyd Line Ltd.


Related Material

Related Material:

Shipping Registers [C DPC/1]

Fishing Crew Lists [C DPF]

Records of Associated Humber Lines, ship owners [C DBA]

Records of Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co Ltd [U DEA]

Records of Thomas Hamling & Co, trawler owners [C DBTH]

Records of the Hellyer Brothers, trawler owners [C DBHB]

Records of the Wilson Ellerman line, ship owners [U DEW]

Earle's Cement manufacturers, ship owners, merchants [C DBEL]

Minutes of the Hull fishing Vessel Owners Association [L 639.67]

Minutes of the North Eastern Sea Fisheries Commission [L 639.22]

Mission to Seafarers [U DMS]

Records of the Humber Conservancy [C DPD/1/16]

Hull Fish merchants Society [C DSF]

Records of the Transport and General Workers Union [U DTG]