Records of Thomas Perronet Thompson
- Dates:
- 1757-1933
Related Material
- Related Material:
Correspondence of Edith Thompson with EA Freeman [U DX9]
Papers of Lt. Gen. Napier Christie Burton [DDCV2/57]
Other repositories:
MS 277, Leeds University Library, Department of Special Collections
Letters to Richard Cobden [Add MS 43663], British Library Department of Manuscripts
Letters to HB Peacock [Eng MS 1180], John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
Letters to George Wilson, Manchester Archives and Local Studies
Correspondence [DC4 101-103], Edinburgh University Library, Department of Special Collections
- Publication Notes:
- Johnson, L.G., General T. Perronet Thompson 1783-1869 (1957)
Morrison, John, 'Perronet Thompson, 1783-1869: a middle class radical' (York DPhil, 1994)
Morrison, John, 'Thomas Perronet Thompson', Paragon Review, 3 (1994)
Prentice, A., History of the Anti-Corn Law League (1853)
Thompson, C.W., 'Thomas Perronet Thompson', Proceedings of the Royal Society, 116 (1869)
Turner, Michael J, ‘Thompson, Thomas Perronet (1783–1869)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 29 June 2006]
Waterson, Edward F.V., 'Cottingham Castle', The Georgian Society for East Yorkshire, 13 (1986)