Records of Tony (Anthony John) Topham


Related Material

Related Material:

Records of the Adult Education Department, University of Hull [U ADU]

Records of Hull Labour Party [U DX124; U DLP]

Records of Docks and Waterways Officer, Region 10 [Hull and Goole], Transport and General Workers' Union [U DTG]

Other repositories:

Records of British Transport Docks Board, Humber Ports [C DPD], Hull City Archives

Records of Transport and General Workers' Union [MSS.126/TG], Warwick University: Modern Records Centre

Publication Notes:
Works by Tony Topham:
With Fred Singleton, Workers' control in Yugoslavia (Fabian Society, 1963)
Industrial democracy in Great Britain (1968, and two later editions)
Edited with Ken Coates, Workers' control, (Macgibbon & Kee, 1968)
Edited with Michael Barratt-Brown and Ken Coates, The Trade Union Register (Merlin Press, 1969, 1970 and 1972)
The new unionism (1972, and later Penguin edition)
The organised worker (1975, Hutchinson Press)
Trade unions in Great Britain (1980, and two later editions)
Trade unions and politics (1986, Blackwell)
With Ken Coates, The making of the Transport and General Workers' Union: the emergence of the labour movement, 1870-1922, comprising Part 1 - 1870-1911: from forerunners to federation and Part 2 - 1912-1922: from federation to amalgamation (Blackwell, 1991)