Papers of Henry William Hutton and Family of Beverley



Admin History:

Henry William Hutton (1787-1848) was the son of Henry Hutton and Mary Judith Dell of Lincolnshire. He was born in 1787 and had three siblings, Mary (b.1789), Harriet (b.1790), and Thomas (b.1792). He married Marianne Fleming, a woman of independent means from Beverley and they lived at her house in Walkergate. After her death, her house was valued at £300 and the total fee simple value of it and various fields in around Beverley was £4100 (U DDCV/213/17).

In 1809 Henry William Hutton's mother died and he laid claim through her to the estate of William Gibson, who had been certifified 'a lunatic' in 1807. The claim was tenuous. William Gibson's grandfather, Thomas Becke, was Mary Judith Dell's great grandfather in a colateral line and other claimants included the Foxon family who were the other colateral line. Pedigrees in U DUT relate to this claim and it is not clear if Henry William Hutton was successful. However, it is clear from the surviving papers that he picked up the bill for William Gibson's commital and maintenance and that he and his father were in some financial difficulty over their Lincolnshire affairs in the 1810s, 1820s and 1830s. Henry Hutton remarried after the death of his wife.

Henry William Hutton and Marianne Fleming had seven children. Their eldest son, Henry, was a captain in the army and predeceased his parents in about 1845. Their second son, Frederick went to live in the Isle of Man. Their third son, Edward, died around 1849 or 1850, shortly after the death of his father at the end of 1848. Marianne was left with at least one child who was still in school. She chose not to remain in Beverley and letter books from her solicitors indicate that she travelled around friends and family for some time. At the time of her death in 1879, one of the rooms in her Hyde Park House was still set aside for a younger son in the army, either Thomas or Alfred. She lived for some time with a daughter, but was residing alone when she died.

The very complete inventory of the contents of her house makes a good study in the way a middle class widow lived in the mid-nineteenth century. The rents of £159 per annum from her Beverley property supported her in a (probably rented) four-bedroom house with a small number of servants, the contents of which were worth just under £2000. It was reasonably cheaply furnished, but the amount of silver plate suggests a large inheritance with a dwindling income. She had a small number of books (about 85 volumes in her back drawing room which she must have used as a living room) and a large number of china ornaments.


This collection falls into nine sections the first five of which contain material related to Henry William Hutton's Lincolnshire estates as follows: Bardney (1814-1929) including title deeds and sale documents as well as a letter from Henry William Hutton to his father dated 23 February 1828; Cherry Willingham (1596-1816) including a 1596 survey of open fields, abstracts of title, rentals 1790-1816, surveys and valuations, chancery suits of the Dell family 1782-5 and papers about the tenancy agreement between John Lely and Thomas Becke, lord of the manor; Washingborough and Heighington (1632-1831) including abstracts of title, surveys and valuations including an early nineteenth-century valuation of tithes, sale documents especially of William Saltmarsh of the seventeenth century and papers of the Sampson family including the 1714 marriage settlement of William Sampson and Sarah Melton; various townships (1757-1830) which includes surveys and valuations of Lincolnshire estates and particulars of sales of land 1814 and a calculation of losses sustained 1818-1820; accounts which includes estimates of the income of Henry Hutton (father) and debt accounts to Joseph Baldwin, solicitor and the 1814 accounts for William Gibson ('a lunatic').

DUT also contains some original bundles of correspondence, including one created in 1836 by Henry William Hutton of and to various family members that he requested be preserved and this includes letters about the marriage of William Gibson and Mary Ann Miller and their subsequent separation on his mental illness and some about the marriage of Charles Foxon and Maria Williams. The remainder are largely about estate affairs. DUT also contains pedigrees of the Lincolnshire families of Woolby, White, Gibson, Wheat, Becke, Dell, Hutton and Foxon, all seemingly drawn up to prove Henry William Hutton's title through his mother to the lands of William Gibson. Two other sections in U DUT are some papers relating to the Witham Navigation plans and some papers relating to Colonel John Kellett of Shirewood Hall including a copy of his marriage settlement and 22 letters to Henry Hutton 1801-5.