Deed of Covenant: Sir Thomas Parrye, Master, and Robert Keylwey esq., Surveyor, of the Court of Wards and Liveries, and John Thorneholm gent., son and heir of Thomas Thorneholm esq. deceased. Relating to a grant to John Thorneholm in ousterlemain of estates of his father, of which a Valor and Extant is attached

Reference No:
U DWB/1/1
12 Nov 1560
Manor of Holstroppe with 10 messuages, 6 cottages and 46 bovates in Hastroppe. 3 messuages, cottage, croft and 18 bovates in Rudston. Messuage and 13 bovates in Myllinton. Messuage and 4 bovates in Baynton. Tenement called Thornholme Garth, 60ac. meadow, 5ac. pasture, 40ac. marsh, 3 tofts, and 3ac. land in Wandforth. Messuage and 2 bovates in Dryffild. 6ac. in Carnebie. 2 messuages, 2 1/2 bovates and 2 tofts in Ulram. Messuage and a wood ("boscus terre") in Ruston. Messuage and 4 bovates in Thibthorpe. Messuage, cottage and 2 bovates in Brigham.1/2 bovate in Hugget. Messuage and 4 bovates in Carethorpe. 40ac. land and 10ac. meadow in Wakfeld and Stanley. Messuage and bovate in Feston
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Papers of the Wickham-Boynton Family of Burton Agnes