Records of the Hull No 1 Branch of the General and Municipal Workers' Union



Admin History:
These archives date back to the origins of this trade union in the Municipal Employees Association, which grew in strength and importance with the growth of local government. The Municipal Employees Association No. 1 branch met at the Foresters Hall in Hull and was a section of the National Amalgamated Workers Union. The National Amalgamated Workers Union became the National Union of General and Municipal Workers in the 1920s and in the 1940s the smaller sections of the Municipal Employees Association took on the same title. By the 1950s and 1960s this large union represented all municipal government employees from car park attendants to cleaners. In 1970 there was a change of name to the General and Municipal Workers Union. The early minute books reflect the guild-like nature of this union, being taken up largely with reports on the health and well-being of members and with all names being prefixed with the title 'Brother'. By 1970, although the title of 'Brother' was retained for all members, it is possible to see in the minute books concern with very specific work conditions such as individual wage rates, comparative wage rates, overtime and so on.
This archive comprises solely minute books and these form an almost complete set from 1912 through 1974.