Transcription of a letter written from the Camp before Sevastopol



Admin History:

The Siege of Sevastopol lasted a year, from September 1854 to September 1855. The combined British, French and Ottoman forces had landed at Eupatoria and intended a swift march to the capital of Crimea, Sevastopol. However, it took a year a year of fighting to take the city, including the battles of Alma (September 1854), Balaklava (October 1854), Inkerman (November 1854), Tchernava (August 1855), Redan (September 1855) and Sevastopol (September 1855).

Sevastopol was the base for the Tsar's Black Sea Fleet and the siege of the strategically important port heralded the end of the campaign in the Crimea. The siege involved several artillery bombardments, the first began on 29 October 1854 and was resumed on 8 April 1855 after poor weather conditions over the winter ruined the Alllies' camps, destroyed supply lines and caused sickness and starvation in the army. The final attack on the city was made on 8 September 1855.

This small collection contains two transcriptions, one handwritten and one typed, of a letter from Sgt David [Angus] of the 179th Highlanders from Crimea. The letter mentions the forthcoming attack on Sevastopol. The original letter is now lost.