Covenant to levy a fine: i) Michaell Spratt of the town and port of Heth innholder and wife Susan; ii) James Gibson of Herst yeoman and wife Elizabeth; iii) Robert Claringboll of Elmested yeoman, all of county Kent

Reference No:
U DX13/3
31 Dec 1632
Messuage, kitchen, stable and 1ac. at Bilsington Crosse (lands of Sir Francis Barnham S., and of Sir Anthony Palmer W., king's street North and East); and 4ac. fresh marsh in Romney Marsh (lands of Sir F.B.S., and of --- Woodward gent. N.; king's street E.) Property at Bilsington Cross to use of M. & S.S.; that in Romney Marsh to use of R.C. Witn. Foulke Davies, La. (Lourimer?) With four seals attached.
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