Documents relating to Martin Beckman


Related Material

Related Material:

Hull Citadel, 1660-1865 [U DX250]

Papers relating to Hull Garrison, 1664-1971 [U DX4]

Painting: "A north-east view of the Hull Garrison and moat in 1689. Copied from the original in the British Museum" [U DX395]

A copy of the reports and opinions of the officers of the Board of Ordnance with reference to the repair of the banks, breastworks etc of the Garrison and the Haven, 1693 [C BRS/10/1]

Plan of the Town and Citadel of Hull, 1715 [C DBRT/2]

Other Repositories:

British Library, Department of Manuscripts [Add Mss 5795, 16370 & 33233]

The National Archives hold material relating to the Thomas Blood affair including

[SP 29/289/187; SP 29/292/30; SP 44/34/110; SP 45/12/246]

Publication Notes: