Papers of Robert Voase



Admin History:

Robert Voase has traced his family back to the common ancestors of William Vause (d.1685) and Elizabeth Vause (d.1682) both of whom were buried in Sheriff Hutton. Their eldest son, Richard Vause (b.1665) married Ann Bainton at Elvington in 1689 and they had at least nine children from whom Robert Voase has traced four separate branches of the family. One junior branch stayed in Elvington and the rest settled at Aughton south west of York. Most members of the Voase family were quite fecund, with six to nine children being a common number for each family member. Through the eighteenth century members of the Elvington branch moved to Nunburnholme, but the other three branches of

the family including the senior branch stayed in Aughton. In the mid-eighteenth century Robert Voase's family reconstruction loses the two

junior lines of the family, but the senior and second branch of the family he has been able to trace to find family members still in Aughton, and a large number in Sancton, Skidby and Sutton, again, all in the East Riding. The second branch of the family seems to have survived in most strength; George Voase and his wife Hannah Ramsay had at least ten children born at Sutton and Skidby between 1825 and 1847 and from them Robert Voase has reconstructed another five lines of the family that survive through to the twentieth century when many family members seem to have moved to Hull.

Also available at

This single spiral bound volume of photocopied research notes contains transcribed and typed copies of genealogical details about Robert Voase's family (Voase, Vallibus, Vaus, Vause, Vaux) arranged according to geographical location of family members (mostly in the East Riding of Yorkshire) together with a family tree.