Transcripts of material relating to Hull Citadel


Related Material

Related Material:

Photocopies of documents from the British Museum relating to Martin Beckman, including reports of the coastal defences in Northern England, plan and notes relating to Scarborough Castle, a panoramic view of Hull and a detailed account of the state of Hull's defences,1685-1696 [Ref U DX130]

Papers relating to Hull Garrison, 1664-1971 [U DX4]

18th and 19th century illustrations of the Citadel [Ref U DP/160]

Print of the Citadel [Ref C DIEW]

Plan of Victoria Dock and the Citadel, 1846 [Ref C DBHT/7/45]

Publicity file on Hull Citadel produced by Humberside Archaeology Unit, Dec 1989 [Ref U DX129/8]

Plan of the Town and Citadel of Hull, 1715 [C DBRT/2]

Local Studies material including articles on the Hull Citadel and 'An investigation of the archaeological potential of the Hull Citadel' [Ref L.623.1]

Sir Henry Gates commission into the state of the Castle (Ref C BRS/53) includes an Estimate of the cost of repair to the citadel, 1576 [Ref C BRS/53/8]

Records of the Hull Town Council Citadel and Foreshore Committee, 1858-1860 [Ref C TCCD]

Publication Notes: